Makes you wonder if the stuff that is approved by YouTube is Hot Susan Sat So Wilma Could Walk So Deb Could Run 3 Shirt really good for the brain either. Sorry, you had to do all that. CG babies eating naked women then getting indigestion and puking them out. Pretty crazy to think you & your colleagues have seen the worst of humanity more than most people throughout history. I hope YT at least attempts to make this right. Not a moderator but once I saw a live beheading by the Mexican Cartel on some guy and let’s say I am scared to go to get kidnapped and go to Mexico now.
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Easter European children as a polish person I know what kind of videos you are talking Hot Susan Sat So Wilma Could Walk So Deb Could Run 3 Shirt about. They are rare. But I’ve seen idiots post photos of hanging their pets as a joke video of animals being set on fire, dropped from high buildings drowned and so much more. It’s not that everyone does it but for some reason, there tend to be families or groups that do horrible things like it’s nothing. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
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