I thought that was a regular shelf with child’s shoes….then I remembered Shaq was the Official Best Ever Uncle And Niece 6 Shirt the one standing next to it. Are they still made in sweatshops with terrible working conditions, or did he find a way to produce them Niece 6 Shirt ethically as well as cheaply? I’m genuinely curious, I am too lazy to look it Uncle And Niece 6 Shirt up right now. I have a low post big man style of play so I’m tempted. Idk why people laugh at this shit, its wholesome as hell and it’s amazing to see that people like him just want one thing, for people with very little to have a chance to feel great.
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Reddit is such a shithole lol. This post kinda made me happy until I read an Official Best Ever Uncle And Niece 6 Shirt bunch of miserable ass comments. Those are the largest pair of Tom’s I’ve ever seen. I wonder who is Uncle And Niece 6 Shirt wearing the Niece 6 Shirt pair they donated. I wore Shaq was my favorite player at the time. How did he help poor kids get shoes? No matter how little, an unbranded shoe will always be cheaper. A 20$ might only cost 19$ without his brand.
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